Saturday, December 6, 2008

Checking Up At 24 Weeks.

Andy and I went to see the doctor yesterday for another ultrasound. Things are looking good, although yet again Maggie was not wanting to cooperate. She really likes to hide so that they can't take her profile shot when we're in there. She was positioned head down with her spine along my left side and feet towards my ribcage. Despite not wanting to be pictured, she was extremely responsive. During my ultrasound she had a case of the hiccups, which was pretty cute. We got to see her moving around a lot more with her hands in fists up and down by her face. She also was opening and closing her mouth. Even though we didn't get a lot of good shots, it turned out to be a good ultrasound.

After the ultrasound I met with the doctor for a brief visit. And I have gained some real weight now. I went from only gaining five pounds the first 20 weeks and in the past 4 and a half gained 8 more pounds! Sheesh. The nurse said that was good though because I am at my target weight for my stage. Everything else seemed to be looking good and the doctor gave me the okay to fly with the baby for Erin's wedding. So looks like Maggie is in for an interesting ride.

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